Monday, September 6, 2010

Earthquake Safety

Learn what to do during an earthquake, whether you're at home, at work, at school or just out and about. Taking the proper actions, such as "Drop, Cover, and Hold On", can save lives and reduce your risk of death or injury. During earthquakes, drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to it firmly. Be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops.

How did you protect yourselves Room 9? I ran and stood in the door-way of my bedroom. Post a comment telling me what you did.

Remember to keep safe and enjoy the sunshine while it's out today!


  1. Emma.H and I got out of bed and got under my doorway with a torch in my hand. The shaking went on for a huge amount of time. Emma.H was at our house for a sleepover. Her Dad came and picked her up because her Mum was frightened.

  2. My Dad got me out of my bedroom. We went under my brothers bunk. I was with my brother and my Mum.And my Dad was in the doorway. I felt scared and I felt sad. Now I felt o.k. by Olympia

  3. We hope that you are all feeling a bit better now and safe. When do you go back to school? We hope that you have a good day and that there aren't anymore earthquakes. From Room 2 at Hokitika Primary School.

  4. Mum got me up and we went under the table and dad got jess and brought her under the table and she spent the rest of the night sleeping with mum and dad slept in my bed and protected us three girls. Mum got thrown into the night store heater she got a massive bruise.I have been sleeping with dad ever since the earthquake.I feel very scared that is why i am not watching the news. From Madison Paige Didham.

  5. My Mum got me from my shaking bunk and Dad got Amber and we both ran to the door frames ,it was scarey and I was shaking the whole time it was very dark and that was lucky because we didn't see the stuff moving .It was hard to find the torch .I hope there are no more aftershocks ever again .

  6. Dad and mum came running in to my bedroom, we stood under the doorway and waited till it stopped. then drove to pick up my sister from a sleep over.then we went to check on family& friends. when we got home we saw that our chimney was down
    broken glass everwhere!!

  7. I thought it was hailing so I stayed in bed but then my whole bed started to shake so I ran to mums doorframe but on the way i fell so I crawled to mums door way all I could hear was things smashing it was glass my dvd player falling off and just smashing and the earthquake making a rummble sound. Then I heard this huge smash and it was our chimney.We had to get outside because our roof is made out of concrete tiles the roof could of falled on us.Itook my torch and got out of the house.when we had aftershocks we went under the tramp.All our neighbours came out and we went to talk to them to see if they were ok and they were which is good.Then went inside i took my blanket and pillow and just went under the table Mum ringed EQC. I WAS VERY SCARED because IT WAS MY FIRST EARTHQUAKE EVER!!!! and was the biggest earthquake in 80 years.

    From Talia
